Amitabh Bachchan's admiration for music maestro Ilayaraja

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 03 2015]
After CHEENI KUM and PAA, the inimitable trio, R Balki, Illayraja, and Amitabh Bachchan come together for R. Balki upcoming film SHAMITABH.
Recently R. Balki recorded the song Piddly... , which has already became a rage, under the music composition of Indian cinema's greatest music maestro Ilayaraja. Watching the two legends work together was a rare experience for R. Balki who is quite young as compared to Bachchan and Illayraja.
In interview Balki said, "I was left dumbfounded watching the fervor and obsession of the two legendary stalwarts while recording the song in the recording room. Though both are of about 73 years old each yet their juvenile nature and fascination towards their profession made me feel very mature."
"What was most admiring was that both have great reverence for each other. Amitji admires Ilayaraja's work so much that he remembers every song that Raja Sir has composed in Hindi cinema. While Ilayarajaji, adores Amitji as an actor par excellence. Both are down to earth and so simple human beings that I think they both are human institutions in the Indian entertainment world."
Admiring Ilayarajaj's musical genius Amiatbh Bachchan says, "I have always been a great admirer of Ilayarajaj's work. I cannot express in words what he means to the music industry and his contribution to our cinema. I consider him a genius. He knows everything about music. I consider myself fortunate to have worked in movies that had his music."
Readers would be surprised to know that when Amitabh Bachchan's movie PAA, that had music score by Ilayaraja was declared a hit even in South India, Amitabh Bachchan had booked the whole Satyam movie complex in Chennai only to get on with a special show of PAA for Ilayaraja, which he enjoyed watching sitting besides Ilayaraja. That's the kind of gesture Big B' has for the Bigger' musician.
This article is from Raaga's music blog.