Here's the release date for Amitabh Bachchan's next film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 20 2021]

Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has announced the release date of his upcoming film titled 'Jhund'. It is set to hit the screens on 18th of June. On Friday, Big B shared a poster from the film that shows him standing against a slum backdrop. Along with the poster, he wrote, Covid gave us setbacks ..but it's comeback time now! WE'RE BACK IN THEATERS .. JHUND releasing 18th June !!

According to reports, Big B will play a roke based on Vijay Barse. This sports flick will revolve around a professor who gathers some aimless street children and inspires them to make a football team to give them a direction and something to look forward to.

Other than this, Mr Bachchan also plays an important role in the big budget SciFi flick 'Brahmastra'.