Amitabh Bachchan's 'Zanjeer 2' sequel by Chiranjeevi's son Ram Charan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 12 2012]

The iconic Big B’s iconic movie 'Zanjeer' (1973) which gave birth to 'The Angry Young Man' of Bollywood and the phenomenon called Amitabh Bachchan is now having its sequel planned.

According to our reports writer-director Apoorva Lakhia ('Shootout At Lokhandwala' fame) will helm the sequel which is backed by Reliance and Balaji. Ex Eros Ram Mirchandani will be the producer along with Amit Mehra (son of late Prakash Mehra – the producer of original 'Zanjeer').

The iconic classic is always remembered for its punch lines such as Jab tak bhaitne ke liye nahin kaha jaye.. chup chap khade raho.. yeh police station hai tumhaare baaap ka ghar nahin.. and of course Sher kabhi sher ka shikar nahin karta…

Well if you are wondering which actor will don the role in the sequel... It’s the Telugu star Ram Charan who has been roped in by the makers. Ram Charan’s 'Magadheera' in 2009 became a rage when its released.

The sequel will have some important changes which the source refuses to divulge but confirms the happening on basis of anonymity and adds that Chiran Bhatt cousin of Vikram Bhatt will give the music for 'Zanjeer 2'. The rest of the cast and crew is getting finalized...

Stay tuned for more....