Amitabh, Jaya, Shah Rukh, Kajol together - on TV!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 24 2005]

It promises to be the biggest magnum opus ever, and it's on television this Friday.

Karan Johar has managed to clinch a frank tete-a-tete between the two biggest superstars of Indian cinema - Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh, plus guest appearances by their two favorite co-stars - Jaya Bachchan and Kajol respectively...

They will all get together for a grand finale on Star World's premium presentation "Koffee With Karan".

And that isn't all. Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali who has had the privilege of working with both Shah Rukh and Bachchan joins the two mega-stars for a question and answer session.

Johar, currently out of the country finalizing locations for his next directorial venture, can't help being nervous about "the 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham' on television"!

He recalls the moments of high tension when he recorded the episode.

"When my first season for 'Koffee With Karan' neared an end I wanted to go off air with a bang. And what better explosion than the two biggest superstars of Indian cinema together chatting about their careers and takes on stardom," Johar told IANS.

"I don't think viewers would ever get to see Bachchan and Shah Rukh together again. After I decided on the big two, I got greedy. I wanted their favorite co-stars. Jaya aunty and Kajol can never say no to me.

Then I wanted Sanjay Leela Bhansali who has worked to great advantage with both Bachchan and Shah Rukh. Finally I asked Farah Khan and Farhan Akhtar to join the party.

"The surprising thing was no one said no to me when I asked them to come for the star-spangled finale. I guess I do enjoy a certain privileged position in the industry. I'm a pampered, spoilt filmmaker.

This I got to know while doing this chat show. Not a single star said no to my invitation to be on the show. But the finale is the giddy limit. I can't believe I pulled it off."

Will he be back with another season next year? "Of course, I will. You think I'd let go of the chance to be a household name so easily?" shoots off Johar.