Amoolya joins JDS

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,April 14 2018]

As expected the beautiful actress joined the Janata Dal Secular political party of former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda and it was obvious jump from BJP to JDS by her father in law.

Amoolya husband Jagadish is son of former BJP councilor Ramachandra. All the three – Amoolya, Jagadish and Ramachandra joined the JDS.

Ramya, Jayamala, Bhavana top heroines already in Congress I, Tara, Shruthi, Malavika in BJP, Amoolys sets her eyes on king maker political party (according to recent election survey) JDS.

As the elections to Karnataka state is set for May 12, the campaign activities for Amoolya will be very brisk.