Married gay man from India lays shocking condition to young wife

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 30 2020]

In a bizarre incident reported from Andhra Pradesh's Guntur, a married man proposed a shocking condition to his wife after she came to know of his sexual orientation.

The man, identified as Baskar (30), who is employed in a company in the US, got married to a 25-year-old woman on March 18 this year. On their first night as a married couple, the man allegedly complained of an illness and fell asleep. The pattern continued for nearly a month and a half as Baskar would find ways to stall any kind of physical relationship with his wife. Frustrated and disappointed, the woman informed her parents about it through her friends, who approached the man's parents regarding the same. When Baskar was questioned by both sets of parents, he initially brushed off the matter, but eventually acknowledged the fact that he had been living together with a man he met in America for over four years now and that he had no interest in being in a relationship with a woman. His wife left the house with her parents the same day.

Baskar decided to approach his wife a few days later with an offer. He reportedly told her that if she was willing to live with him despite his homosexuality, she needed to move to America and live with his male partner as his wife as well. The petrified woman immediately approached the police and registered a complaint with them. An investigation of the case is in progress and further details are awaited.