Angad Bedi to make documentary on Bishan Bedi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,June 27 2017]

Angad Bedi is now all set to make a documentary on his father Bishan Singh Bedi portraying his life before and after becoming an outstanding cricketer of the Indian cricket team. With the latest trend of biopics made on sportspersons in Bollywood, he wants to make a documentary on his father who was one of the major cricketers of India back in 60s and 70s, an era of cricket not many people are aware of.

Angad Bedi who himself started his career by playing cricket for the Delhi for the Under 16 and 19 teams wants the people to relive his father's cricket journey and his personal life journey as well. He personally loves watching documentaries, which he feels showcase the realities of life as opposed to movies, which can move toward being unrealistic. Bishan Singh Bedi is the straight-talking former captain of India and is an inspiration for the cricketers of the present generation and thus Angad feels that his life journey may inspire many more upcoming cricketers.

When asked Angad he said, "I feel a documentary will do justice as there is a lot in his life personal as well as professionally which needs to be seen and told.. his rapport with the players.. him being this larger than life personality... brutally honest in calling a spade. How he stood up for the players even against the administration sometimes.. his relevance in the modern day cricket as well. Known as a straight shooter... loved fondly by his friends popularly known as "BISH" his friendships.. his fallouts... His relationship at home... him and me how we were and now how we are... His love for the game is greater than anything else..."