When Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor got emotional

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 27 2017]

Only recently Anees Bazmee, Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor launched the poster of 'Mubarakan' on Extra Innings T20.

At the grand launch, Anil Kapoor got emotional after unveiling the poster. The film brings together Chacha-Bhatija Jodi on the big screen for the first time.

On the show, Anil Kapoor got emotional and said, "My mother will be the happiest person after the watching the poster because for the first time I am working with her grandson."

Arjun too got emotional and said, "Right now she must be crying."

The first poster generated a lot of buzz on digital media and everyone is excited for the trailer. With an Anees Bazmee film, we can only expect the trailer to be grand and entertaining.

'Mubarakan' is produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Ashwin Varde & Murad Khetani's Cine1 Studios and is slated to have it's worldwide release on 28th July 2017.