Anil Kapoor set for a hat-trick

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 29 2005]

After the Bachchans, it seems to be the turn of Anil Kapoor to deliver a hat-trick of successes.

He would be seen soon in three extremely different films that are poles apart in terms of theme, setting and treatment.

First to arrive is 'My Wife's Murder' on 5th August where he would be seen fighting the demons inside after 'accidentally' committing the murder of his wife.

After this intense psychological drama cum thriller, he would be appearing in a chill zone with Anees Bazmee's comic riot 'No Entry' that seems to be inspired by the David Dhawan school of movies.

After playing an intense and a cool guy in the above mentioned flicks, he would be seen in one of the most challenging and interesting movie of his career - Chocolate.

Enacting the role of a debonair London based lawyer who loves being in the limelight while facing the toughest of opposition, his chic new haircut and a cigar-holding confident persona is already making news.

As things stand now, each of the three flicks have great potential to get Anil Kapoor his much delayed but well deserved success.