Anil Kapoor's biggest hit

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 22 2005]

Do you know which is Anil Kapoor's biggest HIT till date?

Well don't jump from your seats on hearing this because it is none other than this 2001 release 'Nayak' that continues to enthrall the audience worldwide even today. One would ask how?

Well this socio-political drama directed by Shankar continues to be aired on satellite channel SET MAX practically at least 4 times a week, sometimes even on continuous days and is a hot favorite for a prime slot. Interview scene between the reporter played by Anil Kapoor and the CM Amrish Puri is watched with a keen interest for the zillionth time even on repeat viewings.

If number of people watching a movie was the criterion for the movie being called a success, then Nayak would definitely win hands down. Though commercially the movie just about broke even when released in theatres, it has proved to be a 'lambi race ka ghoda' 4 years since its release.