Anjali joins the shoot of Bol Bachchan remake

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 17 2013]

Victory Venkatesh and Ram are playing the lead roles in a film, which is the remake of Bollywood Blockbuster 'Bol Bachchan'. Venkatesh will reprise the role of Ajay Devgn and Ram will reprise Abhisekh Bachchan's.

Anjali and Shazahn Padamsee are the female leads. Anjali will play the role opposite Venky and Shazahn Padamsee opposite Ram.

Anjali has joined the shooting of the movie today in Pune and the scenes between her and Ram were shot. The scenes between Venkatesh and Anjali will be shot from tomorrow. The current schedule continues upto 24th of this month.

Vijay Bhaskar is the director. This is the third time he is working with Venkatesh after 'Nuvvu Naku Nacchav' and 'Malliswari'. Sravanthi Ravikishore and D.Suresh Babu are jointly producing this film.