'Anniyan' director Shankar faces yet another legal trouble 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 29 2021]

Ace director Shankar is one of the most creative man in the business. These days, however, Shankar is in a few legal troubles which are hindering him from working in projects of his choice. Couple weeks ago, it.came to light that he is going to remake his cult classic film 'Anniyan' into a Hindi version. P Ravichandran, the producer of the original, rightly claimed that Shankar doesn't posses the rights to work on a remake of 'Anniyan' and advised him not to go forward with the production.

Now according to recent reports, Lyca Productions have dragged the director into court to refrain him from working on any other project before wrapping up 'Indian 2'. The project has been in development he'll for a long time and apparantly the makers can't let Shankar slack off anymore.

A source close to the development shared, Indian 2 has been troubled from the word go. It has been facing one glitch after another. Now the producers going to the court asking that the director be prevented from signing other films until he completes Indian 2 could have far-reaching repercussions for all directors into multi-projects.”