Another divorce suit

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 22 2006]

One more actor has knocked on the doors of a court in Chennai seeking the court to separate him from his wife.

Aravindasamy, introduced by Manirathinam, who went on to act in Roja, Bombay, En Swasa Katrae and Minsara Kanavu is the one doing that..

He has sought the help of a court in Chennai to get him divorced from his wife Gayathri.

The couple has been reportedly living separately for the last two years following differences of opinion.

Aravindasamy has bid bye to acting and is currently looking after his business.

The petition came up for hearing on Tuesday and the hearing has been adjourned later next month.

The couple has two daughters, both of whom are now living with their dad.

Aravindasamy was a teenage heartthrob at the height of his acting career.