ANR vouches for Rajanna

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 22 2011]

Akkineni Nageshwara Rao must be feeling proud of his son for making a film like Rajanna. It is because, after watching the film with his son on the night of Dec. 20, he had an honest thought: The film should be watched by everyone who loves his homeland and motherland.

The legendary actor has narrated some lines in the beginning of the film. His lines, spoken in his characteristic voice, set the right mood.

ANR's endorsement of Rajanna should not be seen in narrow terms. He indeed echoes the feelings of thousands of audiences who have watched and enjoyed the film. The story, the songs, the dialogues - everywhere Rajanna concerns itself with liberating the motherland from aliens and the homeland from worst oppressors.

It will not be surprising if the audience are aroused by the patriotic message of the film. Set in the late 1950s, the tells the story of Mallamma, the daughter of a martyr, who is constantly inspired by her later father's spirit to fight for the cause of her people in her own way. One of the most novel films to have been released in recent years, Rajanna has been released today.