Anurag Kashyap's lawyer issues a strong statement on Payal Ghosh's allegations

It's known that 'Oosaravelli' and 'Prayanam' actress Payal Ghosh, in September, alleged that Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap called her to his house and sexually harassed her in August 2013. In this regard, the police on Thursday interrogated the filmmaker.

The 'Dev D' director has denied all wrongdoing in the matter, a statement from his lawyer says. The material provided by Mr. Kashyap, in support of his statement, demonstrates that the complaint of Ms. Ghosh is an outright lie. Mr. Kashyap has provided documentary proof of the fact that throughout August, 2013 he was away in Sri Lanka in connection with the shooting of one of his films, the statement adds.

The lawyer has described the allegations as sudden, belated. The director is confident that the falsity of the complaint has been exposed, not only by the evidence presented by Mr. Kashyap, but also the ever-shifting version of events put forth by Ms. Ghosh in the media.

The statement by the filmmaker's lawyer claims that the falsity of her (the actress') allegations in the FIR have been established.

The director is now planning to vigorously pursue the legal remedies available to him.