Apartment Complex Wall Crashes in Pune, 15 Dead

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 29 2019]

Heavy rains in Pune caused the collapse of a wall of an apartment complex, leading to the death of 15 and the injury of three individuals. It has been reported that the deceased includes four children and one woman. After June 2010, Pune had received the second highest rainfall ever seen on Friday. Cars were seen to be stuck as the ground caved in where the wall had fallen.

The wall had fallen on tin sheds built for construction labourers who mostly hailed from Bihar and Bengal and were working nearby, not even 40 feet from the wall. It is said that the 12 to 15-feet-high structure collapsed at around 1:45 am. Rescue staff from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and the fire department conducted a search for the victims at the site. The injured have been taken to hospitals in the vicinity for treatment.

The police chief of the city, K Venkatesham reported: “Our team is investigating the reasons behind the incident. Firm action will be taken against those responsible. We will check whether proper permissions were taken and safety measures were followed.” The Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis expressed his grief on Twitter: “Extremely saddened to know about loss of lives in the Kondhwa, Pune wall collapse incident. My deepest condolences to the families and prying for speedy recovery of the injured. Directed Pune Collector to conduct an in-depth enquiry.”