AR Rahman's confusing sounds scared journalist

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 30 2018]

We all know that AR Rahman is a man of few words. He is shy and an introvertive person. Such personalities don't speak elaborately. But the genius musician is too shy.

Saying that interviewing Rahman was the most challenging one in his life, famous journalist Karan Thapar has revealed an interesting incident that took place a few years ago. Rahman is extremely shy and positively tongue-tied. When I interviewed him once, Rahman kept on saying either 'Ummm', 'Hmmm' or 'Ummmmmmmm' for different questions. This confused me. I asked him what is the difference between the three answers. I got this reply from him: 'Mmm'. The interview had to be shot thrice, Karan reveals.

Rahman shouldn't disappoint his fans with such short answers, which are like sounds.