AR Rahman and Ranveer Singh join hands!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 30 2019]

Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has joined hands with filmmaker Navzar Eranee and DJ Cheetah for an independent music record label IncInk which the actor had launched yesterday on Twitter and this announcement was met with overwhelming positive response from celebs and fans of the actor.

This independent label comes after the actor scored a hit with his recent movie Gully Boy directed by Zoya Akhtar, where he played a rapper, who rises against obstacles to prove his talent. Now, this independent record label which is for the artists by the artists, will present talents like Kaambhari, Spitfire and Slow Cheeta and the first song was released yesterday.

Retweeting Ranveer's tweet on IncInk, Isaipuyal AR Rahman had tweeted, Am coming next week to sign up. Now that indicates an exciting collaboration on the cards, as ARR will team up with Ranveer Singh for the first time, in nurturing and developing talented artists across the nation.