AR Rahman to surprise at Saahasam.. audio launch

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,June 17 2016]

Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman is known for his significant tunes and BGM, his latest sensation is Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo', though the audio of the movie is not yet released, the two single tracks Vellipomakey and Chakori have already topped the chartbusters. Based on the response to the two singles, the team of 'SSS' has planned a grand audio launch today (June 17) at a private hotel in Hyderabad.

And our reliable sources suggest that the Oscar winner is giving a live concert at the audio launch, and also performing a medley of his super hit songs.

'SSS' is a bilingual which is also being made in Tamil as Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada' which casts Simbu and Manjima Mohan in lead roles; whereas Naga Chaitanya plays the lead in here and Manjima Mohan will be seen Telugu too. This action-romantic drama is directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon, how can anyone forget the magic created by the Ye Maya Chesava' team, so let us hope the same magic repeats from the team.

And, yes, get ready for the Live concert.....