Are wedding Bells ringing for actress Bhavana?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 16 2016]

The news is coming in that the wedding is fixed for Actress Bhavana. Let us hope it is not the work of rumor mills. As per the updates, it is scheduled for April next year. The date is yet –to-be-fixed. Bhavana is currently busy with Honey Bee 2. She has not committed for any films after that. There is news that she may act in a Kannada film which is the remake of the Malayalam film Charlie' directed by Martin Prakkat. The actress has been sought for the role Parvathy has done in Malayalam and it is known that Bhavana has not given her nod for it. If she agrees then the marriage may get postponed further.

About the groom, nothing much is revealed. It is only said that he is from Karnataka and is a producer of Kannada movies. Bhavana is more inclined towards a simple function. In that case, the marriage most probably will limit to register signing at the Marriage Registering Office. Stay tuned to know more about these things.