Arjun, Arjun and more Arjun

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,September 02 2004]

You can almost hear it in every street in Andhra Pradesh.

Arjun is the word that is heard all over the place.

And it is not Mahabharat hero.

It is the eponymous hero of the film Arjun as it coasts to record breaking collections all over the State and elsewhere, too (in the neighboring Chennai, where Telugu films have an average run, Arjun has been getting crowds by the droves).

The simple tale of sibling love told in the backdrop grandeur of Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple is perhaps the hit of the season.

Confirms Ravishankar, a box office analyst:"It is the flavor of the season. Its collections are astounding."

Though the initial euphoria has died a bit, the money continues to pour in.

In the 12 days since its release, the film has grossed over Rs.40 lakhs in almost every territory.

There are at least five important territories as far as Kollywood is concerned.

"Arjun is on the way to becoming a record grosser," says Ravishankar.

But the Arjun of the movie, Mahesh Babu has no time to celebrate. He is busy with his next project Athadu.

Mythological Arjun would have approved of this commitment and devotion to work.