Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio donate big-time

Action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger has donated USD 1.43 million towards the purchase of medical equipment for frontline medical workers in the US and has also set up a fund to collect more through the Frontline Responders Fund. The 'Terminator' star has been doing his bit promoting stay-at-home and social distancing, besides focussing on working out during the coronavirus pandemic that has put the US in a spot of bother.

“I never believed in sitting on the couch and complaining about how bad things are, I always believed we should all do our part to make things better. This is a simple way to protect our real action heroes on the frontlines in our hospitals, and I’m proud to be part of it,” the popular actor says.

Leonardo DiCaprio will reportedly help launch America's Food Fund, which currently has in its pool USD 12 million to help communities impacted by the coronavirus. Oprah Winfrey, too, will join him. As reported by USA Today, the organization's funds will be aimed at helping low-income families, the elderly, individuals facing job disruptions and children who rely on school lunch programs.