Article 370: Mufti says Govt wants to disempower Muslims

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 05 2019]

Mehbooba Mufti, the former J&K Chief Minister and President of PDP, today said that the revoking of Article 370 and making J&K a Union Territory is nothing but the darkest day in Indian democracy.

The decision of J&K leadership to reject two-nation theory in 1947 and align with India has backfired. Unilateral decision of GOI to scrap Article 370 is illegal and unconstitutional which will make India an occupational force in J&K. It will have catastrophic consequences for the subcontinent. GOI's intentions are clear. They want the territory of J&K by terrorising its people. India has failed Kashmir in keeping its promises, Mufti tweeted out. She has been placed under house arrest since last night.

GOI's intention is clear and sinister. They want to change the demography of the only Muslim majority state in India, disempower Muslims to the extent where they become second class citizens in their own state. The way some sections of media and civil society are celebrating these developments with glee is disgusting and disconcerting, she added.

What did J&K get for acceding to India? Another partition along communal lines? Our special status isn’t a gift bestowed upon us. It's a right guaranteed by the same Indian parliament. A contract entered into by J&K leadership and India. Today the very same contract has been violated, Mufti lamented.