Arya or Ajith! Nayanthara's dilemma!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 09 2015]

Nayanthara and Arya are a hot pair after the overwhelming response they received for Boss engira Baskaran' and Raja Rani'. Even offscreen the two are very close friends, often seen pulling each others legs in television shows and other celebrity events.

It is already known that the Tamil/Telugu remake of Bangalore Days has Arya, Rana, Bobby Simha, Nithya Menon in the cast and Nayanthara has been approached for an important role and she was on the verge of giving the nod.

Meanwhile, Thala Ajiths' next film directed by Sirutha Siva is commencing soon and Shruthi Hassan was rumored to be the heroine. But recent development on this front suggest that Shruthi Hassan may not be able to allot dates for the Thala movie and the team has decided to approach Nayanthara for the role Nayan has a lot of respect and admiration for Thala and this situation has become a tricky dilemma for her as she has to choose between Arya and Ajith and it will be known in a few days who she does choose.