Arya Samaj can't issue marriage certificates: Supreme Court

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 04 2022]

A vacation bench of the Supreme Court has stated that the famous Arya Samaj, which has been marrying off consenting adults for decades, has no authority to issue marriage certificates. By this judgement, the certificates issued by the Samaj lose legal validity. Depending on the nitty-gritty of how the verdict is interpreted, couples may have to apply for fresh certificates from legitimate authorities.

In its verdict, the apex court said that the Samaj has no business to issue a marriage certificate. This is the work of authorities, it added.

Many legal commentators are weighing in on the verdict. Commenting on the verdict, lawyer Hemant Batra wrote, Though I agree with the Supreme Court that Arya Samaj cannot issue the marriage certificate as prescribed under the law but any document as to marriage ceremony having been conducted at Arya Samaj issued by it has some evidentiary value. Thus, the document issued by Samaj can become a foundation for a legal marriage document to be issued by a legal authority.