Exclusive! Sayyeshaa's mother denies love marriage with Arya

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 16 2019]

Arya and Sayyeshaa confirmed that they are a couple in Valentine's Day post that read With the blessings of our parents and family, we are delighted to share with you the most beautiful day of our lives. We are getting married this March! We seek your love and blessings in our new journey of happiness and togetherness - Arya and Sayyeshaa.

We had an exclusive telephonic interview with Shaheen Banu the mother of Sayyeshaa who denied that it was not exactly a love marriage but Arya's parents came up with a proposal and since her daughter also liked him the wedding was okayed.  She also elaborated that there was no dating involved at all between the couple before the proposal.

According to Shaheen Banu her daughter Sayyeshaa though has done modern girl roles in movies is actually very traditional and soft-spoken and similarly, Arya who looks funny on the outside is actually a serious person.  You can watch the video below for more about the impending wedding of the cute stars Arya and Sayyeshaa.