Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Vouch for Danny Masterson's Character Amid Sentencing

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 09 2023]

Just before actor Danny Masterson's recent sentencing to 30 years to life after being convicted on two counts of rape earlier this year, Hollywood stars Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis penned letters of support. The duo played Eric Forman and Jackie Burkhart in That '70s Show, respectively.

In their letter obtained by court reporter Meghann Cuniff and journalist Tony Ortega, they vouched for his character as a person. Although Kutcher acknowledged that Masterson was found guilty of the sex crimes he was accused of, he hoped his testimony about Masterson’s character would be considered because, according to him, the previously convicted actor is not a continuing threat to society.

Kunis’ passionate letter spoke about how exceptional she thought Masterson’s character was and how it changed her and those around her positively. She added that he kept himself away from drugs throughout his life and cared deeply for others when she said that Masterson is an exemplary friend and role model.

She said that from day one she knew his inherent goodness and authenticity when he showed her compassion, guidance, love, and respect. He even gave her a first name: Ashton.

Masterson continues to deny all the accusations standing against him as well as an appeal of his conviction, with numerous testimonials from Kutcher and Kunis, among nearly 50 other individuals who are supporting him in court.