Ashu troubled by tattoo

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 15 2009]

Tattoo of your beloved’s name can be a proud thing to sport but when it comes in the way of your profession it would be quite embarrassing. Deepika Padukone who is currently shooting in Goafor Ashutosh Gowariker's Khelenge Hum Jee Jaan Se, found herself in a similar problem recently. Our lass known for her ‘Ranbir tattoo’ on her nape, was asked by her director to hide in middle of the shoot.

Touted as a period film, ‘Khelenge Hum Jee Jaan Se’ has a backdrop of pre-Independence era and the story is based on the Chittagong Uprising. Here our Deeps is featured in a different image, for she is said to be playing a freedom fighter. A scene involving a fight sequence required Deepika to tie her hair in a bun. The tattoo, which is usually covered by hair, was now clearly caught on camera by Ashu. The filmmaker is said to have sent Deepika to change her hairstyle and wear it differently, so it wouldn't be seen.

Unit sources said that it was embarrassing for Deepika when Ashu sent her back to the dressing room. She was flustered initially but then, she came out of her vanity van with a different hairdo that covered the tattoo and finished the sequence.

Deeps, tattoo kiya to darna kyaÂ