Avengers become a billion stronger in record time! details

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,May 07 2018]

Question: Do you know which movie is the fastest to touch the $1 billion mark in the world?

Ans: ‘Avengers: Infinity War’.

We know, your news bulletin is filled with ‘Avengers’ stuff. But let’s admit it. The film has made history, with it’s grandeur, execution and the dream ensemble, expect the fever to stay longer.

The latest Avengers edition accomplished crossing the marvelous milestone of $1 Billion mark in just 11 days. And this is in addition to the fact that the film now also has the pride of having the biggest ever opening in film history.

It is also said that within 11 days of release, the film also has managed to accumulate profits more than ‘Wonder Woman’ , ‘Batman Vs Superman’, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and ‘Justice League’ combined.

And guess what, the film hasn’t even released in one of the biggest markets which is China. The film will be out in Chinese theatres on May 11.