Ayan Mukerji was angry at Ranbir Kapoor during 'Brahmastra' production for this reason

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 18 2022]

Filmmaker Ayan Mukerji and actor Ranbir Kapoor previously collaborated on the massively popular film 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani' and now nine years later, they are back with yet another promising project. Their sci-fi/ fantasy drama 'Brahmastra', which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Alia Bhatt and Nagarjuna, is set to release in September this year.

'Brahmastra' has been Ayan's passion project since last nine years and Ranbir himself has been working on it since last five years. In a recent promotional chat with a news outlet, Ayan revealed that he was quite angry with Ranbir during pre production phase of the film.

According to a recent report in ETimes, he stated, When I started the prep for Brahmastra, Ranbir was offered Sanju. He was supposed to start prep with me, but he chose to start Sanju first. I was so angry. I was happy that he was working with Raju Hirani but what about my project? But in hindsight, I'm glad Ranbir chose to work on Sanju because, a few years later, Sanju was shot, edited and ready for release and my pre-production hadn't even completed. Had Ranbir waited for me, it would've been too long a wait.