Baadshah is TFI's costliest movie ever: Bandla

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 31 2012]

Bandla Ganesh has announced that Baadshah is the costliest movie that has ever been made in Telugu. He adds, Besides NTR, Kajal and Navdeep, about 50 popular actors from Telugu, Tamil and Hindi are part of the cast. We will shoot in Bangkok till Sep 5. From Sep 12, we will launch a schedule in Hyderabad. Later, we will shoot in Gujarath, Europe and Hong Kong.

The film will be released on Jan 11, which is also the day when Venky's Shadow will release. Be it emotions, action or romance, Baadhshah has everything in it, a proud Ganesh adds.

Vytla is sure that the film will be the biggest hit in his career and that of NTR.