Heartbreaking Video: Baby Rhino Tries to Wake up Dead Mother Killed by Poachers

The extent of pain we are inflicting on innocent animals can be seen in a video that was released by a Forest Officer in India. The video shows a dead rhino lying on the ground. The baby can then be seen approaching the mother and trying to wake her up. The little one tries to drink milk from the mother, walks away and then comes back trying to push her and wake her.

What did the child do to deserve this? Nothing except to be born at a time when humans exist. If human greed and desire can be so blind that it can stoop to any extent, then it just proves that we have no extra sense and in fact are worse than the rest of the animals. The officer shared the video saying: “The picture of poaching !! A baby #rhino tries to wake #mother, who is killed by poachers for the #horn. Devastating & eye opening.” In India, the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 aims to control poaching, smuggling and other illegal activities.