Bachchan heralds KBC again

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,August 06 2005]

"Kaun Banega Crorepati" (KBC) has made a spectacular comeback on Star, and Amitabh Bachchan is more casual and trendy in his dress and demeanour.

Across India, from Abhishek Bachchan in Mumbai to the paanwala in Patna, people were glued to their television sets Friday night watching the Big B in action.

The first episode of KBC, India's most popular television game show, featured 18-year-old Abhishek Gautam from Patna. It was a knockout success.

As Amitabh Bachchan entered the dazzling set, he sang a rap song, told jokes and asked penetrating questions.

The superstar-anchor's son Abhishek was thrilled to watch his namesake answer his dad's questions.

This week, when the senior Bachchan shot for the eagerly awaited KBC, Abhishek was busy shooting a movie called "Bluff Master" on an adjoining set, on two different floors of Film City.

When told that people might think Abhishek too is shooting for a game show like his dad, Abhishek chuckled: "Actually Rohan Sippy's film is funny, naughty and wicked. So I won't be surprised if it looks like we're shooting a game show too."

The KBC shooting had to be cancelled for three days due to the downpour in Mumbai.

Bachchan Senior had to work round-the-clock to make up for lost time. On Aug 2, he left for the KBC shoot at 8 a.m. and returned at 4 a.m. the next day ... only to leave home at 8 a.m. again!

How does he do it? "I don't know. It's just ... commitments. One has to do it. And with KBC round the corner, delays are not just unaffordable but intolerable," says Amitabh.