Balakrishna ready for the other shoot

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,July 24 2004]

By the time you read this, Balakrishna would be ready to be shot.

No, the Bellamkonda Suresh episode is not ready to play itself again.

Mercifully, Balakrishna's shooting episode will be of the filmi kind only.

The actor, who went to judicial custody and then to hospital after the infamous shooting incident last month, is facing the camera after the hiatus this morning (Friday) for his new film which has been titled Vijeyendra Varma with the rhetorical tagline- "Power of an Indian".

The film has run the course (of shooting) for some time. But the hitch now for producer, Konda Krishnamraju, is he cannot get the songs canned in scenic Europe as was originally planned, because Balakrishna is out on bail and cannot travel overseas.

The temperamental star is also said to bitter about the kind of press he got for the shoot-out incident.

Now he wants to prove a point to his critics.

So he is all set go with all his guns blazing.