Ban Rajani, Kamal films and glass of water extended

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 12 2018]

The Apex Body Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce President Sa Ra Govindu also Kannada Chaluvali leader has come harsh on two top stars of Tamil Films after a statement made by versatile actor Ananthnag in a local television channel.

While Ananthnag statement was on the behavior of two top actors like the previous politicians, the statement of Sa Ra Govindu was harsh. ‘We should ban films of Rajanikanth and Kamal Haasan in Karnataka’. A strong decision to this effect would be taken soon he said on Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile emotional statement of Tamil actor Simbu in Chennai has received wide reactions in Karnataka. While most of the actors welcome the sensible statement, the inside feel of Simbu is something else is the inference drawn by KFCC President Sa Ra Govindu.

The common people living in Bengaluru of two languages – Kannada and Tamil welcomed the statement of Simbu. In several places Kannadigas offering a glass of water to Tamil speaking people was noticed.

In the social media the statement of Simbu has received very good reciprocation. Some of the top actors in Karnataka have reacted by saying the ‘Cauvery water sharing’ issue should not be politicized.