Severe action initiated against Banupriya in minor girl issue

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 30 2019]

We had earlier reported about the issues surrounding actress Banupriya who had employed a fourteen-year-old girl Sandhiya as her domestic help. The girl's mother Prabhavathi had made a shocking complaint to the Samalarkotai police station that Banupriya's brother Gopalakrishnan sexually abused her daughter and that her salary had not been paid for several years.

Banupriya had denied the allegations and counter-alleged that the girl had stolen jewels worth 30 sovereigns and cash amounting to one and a half lakhs. The Child Protection officials rescued Sandhiya and lodged her in a facility in Chennai.

Meanwhile, the Child Welfare Board in Andhra has stated that it was illegal of Banupriya to have employed a minor and has recommended to the DGP to take legal action against her under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) ACT.