Bhat inspired Bhagavathar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 23 2010]

The eminent director of ‘Mungaru Male’, Yogaraj Bhat has inspired debutant director Ramesh Bagavathar in so many ways but as a tribute director Bagavathar keeps the name of Yogaraj for Hindi actor Nana Patekar in the film ‘Yaksha’. To get more force Bhagavathar added Pulakeshi for the powerful cop role of Nana Patekar. In the film ‘Yaksha’ Nana Patekar is Yogaraja Pulakeshi.

Convincing Nana Patekar was not easy remembers director Bhagavathar. He went with producer TP Siddaraju four times to get the call sheet of Nana Patkear. In the final meeting he heard the entire film. When the budget was mentioned of ‘Yaksha’ he told it is his remuneration.

Eventually when Nana Patekar agreed he also dubbed for his portions is something admirable says Bhagavathar.