Big B - Santoshi -Akshay - Keshu together again

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 14 2005]

Last time Amitabh Bachchan, director Raj Kumar Santoshi, Akshay Kumar and producer Keshu came together, intense drama came alive on screen.

The movie was - Khakee.

Same is expected to happen this winter when the biggies come together once more for yet another power packed saga aptly titled FAMILY - TIES OF BLOOD. When the movie was launched, there were murmurs around the basic storyline of Sarkar and Family being same. The claims were though denied out rightly by the makers stating that the two movies were completely different.

Also the rumors died a silent death after Sarkar was wrapped in quick time while Family comes with a few months gap.

We know there were similar thoughts till about 3 weeks back when No Entry was about to hit the marquee and it was supposed to have the same plot as Masti. The two movies [except for the genre] were completely different and in fact No Entry has turned out to be 2 times a bigger success than Masti.

One is sure that same should be the case of Family that is expected to get released on Dec 16 this year.