Big B welcomes Aadar Jain to Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 28 2017]

At a time when the debate around nepotism is a hot topic in Bollywood, megastar Amitabh Bachchan welcomed Aadar Jain, the grandson of legendary actor-filmamker Raj Kapoor, to Bollywood, saying "we are family".

Aadar, who is Raj Kapoor's daughter Rima's son, has entered the industry with "Qaidi Band", which released on Friday.

"Aadar Jain. His first film. Wishing you the very best Aadar... Love and blessings... We are family," Big B tweeted on Sunday.

Entertainment banner Yash Raj Films (YRF) is launching Aadar and debutante Anya Singh through the Habib Faisal directorial. The banner has previously launched actors like Anushka Sharma, Bhumi Pednekar, Vaani Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh.

"Qaidi Band" is about the plight of undertrials and how they form a band together.