Bigg Boss: Abhijeet, Akhil's final moment sparks superb memes

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 21 2020]

Some moments become meme stuff just like that. The moment when Akkineni Nagarjuna ditched Akhil and declared Abhijeet to be the winner in Sunday's episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 4 is one such moment. Not many may have noticed it but Akhil couldn't hide his shock and disappointment when Nag appeared rude in lowering his hand. The moment has understandably spawned interesting memes.

In this meme, shared by @GoneWorse on Twitter, outsiders (Akhil) are flabbergasted that the Telugu film industry always favours star kids (Abhijeet).

In another meme, 'Mental Health' (Akhil) is shocked at an individual's 'Twitter Addition' (Abhijeet).

In this meme, Akhil represents the friend who explained the whole syllabus to an individual (Abhijeet), who shockingly went on to score more marks than the former!

In this meme, Akhil is 'Reading books' while Abhijeet is 'Buying books'.