Oviya vs Bindu Madhavi - Favorite costar predicts the winner

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 02 2017]

After the entry of Bindu Madhavi, things have started heating up in Bigg Boss' and expectations are high about a possible showdown between the two leading ladies. Vimal who has done Kalavani', Kalakalappu' and Sillunu Oru Kadhal' with Oviya and Desingu Raja' and Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga' with Bindu Madhavi had some interesting information to share about both his costars in a recent interview.

Vimal has stated that both Bindu and Oviya are similar in their frankness, patience and maturity in handling situations after giving much thought. He said that he found both of them to be down to earth and friendly on sets which drew them both many admirers. The Kalavani' hero felt that the one point where Bindu held the upper hand is that as a new entrant she knows the situations and characters of all involved. However he tilts towards Oviya when coming to predict the winner as she has won phenomenal support among viewers and that she deserves it because of her good and easy going nature.