BJP would ‘disappear into thin air’ after next year’s LS polls, says Khushboo

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,February 05 2018]

Actress-turned-politician Khushboo has said that the ruling BJP at the Centre would ‘disappear into thin air’ after next year’s Lok Sabha polls.

47-year old Khushboo, who is also a national-level spokesperson of the Congress party, was taking part at function organized by the Party at Mukkodal in Tirunelveli District when she made the above-said remarks. “The fiscal budget presented in Parliament last week would be the BJP’s last budget as it would disappear into thin air after next year’s Lok Sabha polls,” she told party cadres.

“Congress Party and its leaders have made several sacrifices for the country’s welfare; the BJP is wary of Rahul Gandhi’s utterances and is afraid of his activities.  Rahul is sure to head a Congress Govt. at the Centre after next year’s Lok Sabha polls. If the BJP is really sincere in implementing the GST, why has it not brought petrol and diesel within the ambit of GST so that their produces would come down drastically?

“The Centre hasn’t announced any project/plan for Tamil Nadu in this year’s budget in view of the ‘weak’ bunch of MPs from the State. A party which works for the people ought to come to power in Tamil Nadu where the AIADMK is afraid of mid-term polls as it is sure it would bite the dust. Poor in the country still believe in Congress Party which had set in motion many welfare schemes for the people,” Khushboo concluded.