Bollywood superstar floored by Thala Ajith's Vivegam

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,September 18 2017]

It is a known fact that Thala Ajith's 'Vivegam' smashed box office records amidst numerous negative reviews to become a high grosser. Many leading personalities from the film fraternity have extended their appreciation supporting the phenomenal success of the film.

Bollywood superstar Sanjay Dutt has praised Thala Ajith for his hard work in 'Vivegam'. Sanjay who has been a leading actor in Hindi for more than 35 years expressed his adulation for the actor after watching 'Vivegam's trailer expressing that he 'couldn't believe the way they have shot the film'. 

Sanjay Dutt has played the lead role in his upcoming movie 'Bhoomi' directed by Omung Kumar, which is the actor's first film release after his time in prison. The film is set to hit the screens on September 22.