Seenu Ramasamy reveals the reason behind Bollywood actress refusing Vijay Sethupathi movie!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 25 2020]

Director Seenu Ramasamy, known for movies like Dharmadurai, Neer Paravai, Thenmerku Paruvakaatru etc has now completed Mamanithan with Vijay Sethupathi which is awaiting release. The director has now revealed that he had aapproached veteran Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi for the movie Edam Porul Yeaval.

Seenu Ramasamy revealed that Shabana Azmi refused to act in the movie as she felt that she couldn't do justice as she didn't understand Tamil.
Seenu Ramasamy tweeted I always adore and admire her contribution.when i spoke to her for ( Edam porul yeaval movie) hill station mother role.Her reply was meaningful, she said with out knowing the language i can't justify the role that is the reason not doing other language movie @AzmiShabana ji.

Edam Porul Yaeval stars Vijay Sethupathi, Vishnu Vishal, Aishwarya Rajesh and Nandita Swetha and has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Also starring Vadivukkarasi, Bala Saravanan, Aruldoss and Theepetti Ganesan, the movie produced by Lingusamy is yet to release.