Bollywood Gupshup - The Tidbits

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 04 2011]

This is your one stop shop for the latest happenings in the town. The buzz. The release plans. The launches. The works. Yes, this is serious business and we will bring to you the most reliable information twice a week. Have a dekko.

There is still uncertainty around who would be playing the role of Sanjay Dutt's wife in the remake of 'Satte Pe Satta'. With no official word from Aishwarya Rai yet and Vidya Balan announcing that she is not in fray, the search is intensifying to get the suitable woman opposite Dutt.

Second half of 2011 is extremely crucial for Imran Khan. He has three of his films lined up in quick succession - 'Delhi Belly', 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan' and 'Short Term Shaadi'.

With Zarine scorching the screen with 'Character Dheela' and Asin perking it up with 'Dhinka Chika', the war is heating up for the young ladies who are vying for Salman's attention in 'Ready'