Bollywood reacts to Mannay Dey demise

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 24 2013]

Indian Cinema legendary singer Manna Dey passed away at the age of 94 in Bangalore.. here are some reactions to the sad loss of the great voice Manna Dey..

Amitabh Bachchan: Manna Dey, stalwart of the music world, passes away. Flooded with memories and his songs. In particular his rendition of Madhushala.

Mahesh Bhatt: Manna Dey passes away. His voice shall linger forever.R.I.P.

Manoj Bajpayee: MANNA DEY is no more! a great singer!l ets pray for him! my condolences to his family! his music will live for 1000 yrs.RIP

Kunal Kohli : mannadey last of the greats, along with Kishore,Rafi & Mukesh,passes away.RIP.

'ek chattur naar' to 'ae mere pyaare watan' what a range