Bollywood suffers from zero new releases now

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 19 2012]

Makers of some of the biggies may be left wondering if they miscalculated while planning their films even when the slot of 20th January was wide open. Since many felt that 'Players' would do well for two weeks at the least and it would be a professional hara-kiri to arrive a week before 'Agneepath' (which releases on 26th January), the intermittent weekend was left untouched. In fact till a few weeks back there were talks of 'Kahaani' arriving on this day but post 'The Dirty Picture' super-success, it only made sense for the Vidya Balan starrer to arrive after a breather.

All of this means that this weekend there won't be any new notable Hindi film playing in theatres. Yes, as is always the case, a random C Grade movie or two may suddenly crop up out of nowhere and hit the screens in some parts of the country. However that by no means would contribute anything substantial to Bollywood which is now eyeing at 'Agneepath' to ignite some fireworks.