Bollywood Top Ten

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 20 2004]

Mujhse Shaadi Karogi heads the Bollywood Top Ten.

1. MUJHSE SHAADI KAROGI: Logic takes a backseat in this film which is meant only to entertain. Akshay clearly scores over Salman. Samir - who works at a beach house as manager-cum-lifeguard - falls for the lovely Rani, but does not realize that his roommate Sunny also craves the girl. Both try in their own way to win over Rani, and Samir always seems to end up making a hash of things, unlike Sunny. Sameer also falls foul of Rani's disciplinarian father - a retired Colonel.

2. JULIE: The film rises above being a mere skin show and manages to strongly comment on the commodification of a women's body, and the film avoids unnecessary vulgarity. Mihir - a rich bachelor - reveals in a TV show that there is a woman in his life - Julie. This makes Julie guilty and she tells the TV channel that she is a prostitute, something Mihir does not know. She reveals that she was forced to become a prostitute after she was ditched by her boyfriend Neil and later her lover Rohan who tried to use her to please a tycoon to bag a contract.

3. TARZAN - THE WONDER CAR: Designed by famed automobile designer Dilip Chhabria, this Rs 20-million car is the real hero of this film - which is loosely based on the Hollywood hit ‘Christine’ - which takes off only when the car appears.Devesh designs a car that is much ahead of its times, as it can perform some things just like a super-human. But the owners of the company to whom he tries to sell the car kill him. Devesh’s son Raj, who works in Kartar Singh’s garage, decides to avenge the death of his father. He finds a car in a junkyard and transforms it into the car designed by his late father and this car helps him track the villains and eliminate them one after another.

4. LAKSHYA: The story of this refreshing film with Kargil as the backdrop has been penned by Javed Akhtar. Hrithik is a natural as an actor changing from being an aimless young man to an officer with a mission. Karan is undecided about his future. He loves Romila, a smart young girl who decides to become a journalist. Karan ultimately joins the army but deserts, unable to keep up with the strict Army regimen. But he realizes his mistake and goes back to become a man with a mission.

5. KYUN! HO GAYA NA: Aimed at being a situational comedy, this film suffers from a bad script. Amitabh’s role is unnecessary. Vivek is very good. Diya, a sensitive girl whose childhood was spent in the coffee plantation town of Coorg, comes to Mumbai to give an exam in social work and stays in the house of her father Malhotra’s friend Khanna. Arjun, Khanna’s son, befriends her but they soon discover that their views on marriage are very different: he believes in arranged marriages whereas she is all for love marriages.

6. HUM TUM: Producer: Saif is the backbone of the entertainer, playing the cool dude with confidence. Karan, a cartoonist working with 'The Times of India,' never seems to hit it off with Rhea - in their meetings in India, America, or France - though they initially become friends when he shows her the albums of his male and female cartoon characters Hum and Tum. Rhea gets married to Samir but then Karan leans they are no longer together. So he attempts to bring the laughter back in her life by fixing her marriage with his friend Mihir. But fate has something else in store.

7. KAUN HAI JO SAPNO MEIN AAYA: The film revolves around a Punjabi family settled in United Kingdom and generally adapted to a western lifestyle. Kuldeep Khanna has a large family. Mahek comes to live with the Khanna family for a month since her uncle Dr Verma, a good friend of Kuldeep, has to visit the United States for an important conference. Mahek is disturbed by the fragmented family and tries to bring the family together. But she is accused of causing Dadi Maa's death. After Mahek's departure, the Khannas discover that the orphaned Mahek has a serious heart ailment and had actually come to the United Kingdom for a final attempt at treatment. They attempt to bring her back, but she refuses. Matters get complicated when Sunny realises he loves Mahek, though he knows she may die soon.

8. GARV - PRIDE AND HONOUR: Puneet first came in the limelight as Duryodhan of the epic serial ‘Mahabharat’ by B R Chopra. This is his first foray as director on the large screen. Salman is restrained. Police Chief Samar Singh and his men Arjun Ranawat and Hyder Ali manage to eliminate several wanted criminals. Arjun decides to take the law in his hands after Samar is transferred, Hyder is eliminated, and his mother and sister Rakhi are targeted.

9. DEEWAR- LET'S BRING OUR HEROES HOME: Though based mostly in a Pakistan prison, the film avoids unnecessary Pakistan bashing. The romantic angle had no place in a film like this, but Amitabh is good as is Sanjay Dutt. Major Ranvir Kaul was held prisoner during the 1971 India-Pakistan war and his son Gaurav enters Pakistan illegally to help him escape along with a total of thirty three prisoners of war. They are helped by Khan, a man of Indian origin but held captive in Pakistan. While in that country, Gaurav falls for Radhika, but duty calls.

10. ASAMBHAV: In one corner we have Pakistani 'general' Milind Gunaji and terrorist Mukesh Rishi plotting over Kashmir. In another corner of the crowded plot, there's Naseeruddin Shah and soul brother Tom Alter running a kind of mercenary ashram for the wannabe millionaires of the world. And then there's the Indian high commission in Switzerland, overloaded with caricatures, including a Brahminical poet who recites the worst couplets we've ever heard.