Bollywood actor returns to Tamil to play Rajnikanth's villain!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 23 2019]

After his massive blockbuster entertainer Petta directed by Karthik Subbaraj, Superstar Rajnikanth is currently acting in his 167th movie Darbar directed by AR Murugadoss and the movie is produced by Lyca Productions. The movie is being shot in Mumbai at a brisk pace.

Darbar was announced to have Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar as the villain, and was also announced to have Sacred games fame Jatin Sarna and Pradeep Kalra in supporting roles, and now sources close to the unit have revealed that the main villain of Darbar is going to be another popular Bollywood actor.

It is none other than Bollywood action hero Sunil Shetty who will be playing the main villain in Darbar, and Prateik Babbar is said to be playing his son in the movie. Sunil Shetty reportedly plays a character named Anna, a corporate biggie who will be opposed by the tough police officer played by Rajnikanth. An official announcement is expected soon. It must be noted that Sunil Shetty had earlier acted in Tamil in 12B released in 2001.