Bollywood's Young Actors with their Special Love!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 09 2015]

Each one of us has different likings or preferences of certain things... And when it comes to Bollywood it is all the more different and quite exciting. Let's checkout some of our young B-Town's heartthrobs, who nourish different kinds of fetishes...

Sidharth Malhotra - The charming and desirable Sidharth has many pair of shoes. The actor has a crazy fetish for shoes. He has varied colours and styles of footwear and tries to experiment with them often. He makes it a point to purchase shoes wherever he travels.

Ali Fazal - The popular '3 Idiots' famed hunk who was seen as the perfect romantic actor in 'Khamoshiya' and created huge buzz with his 'Bang Baaja Baarat' web-series has a special fetish for hand accessories. He likes donning lot of rings, funky hand accessories etc.

Kartik Aryan - Post PKP2 fame, this heartthrob with perfect combination of good looks and promising acting capabilities is rising as the new chocolate boy of B-Town has a fetish for bags. He is so much fond of bags, that wherever he goes for outdoor shoots or visits any new place he buys 1-2 bags sure. That's how he has a huge collection of bags.

Vir Das - India' biggest solo comedian, Vir Das is extremely fond of hats. Apparently, the gagster has a great fetish for hats. He has collected over 70 hats and considers it an important element of his wardrobe.

Karan Singh Grover - The actor who made it big from television backing his massive fan following, good acting capabilities and terrific looks has a fetish for tattoos. The actor is obsessed about tattoos. He has 7-8 tattoos on his body and doesn't mind inking himself again until he finds something really unique enough to go on his amazing body.

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